Aanbestedingsrecht & mededingingsrecht
Competition is essential for a healthy and innovative economy. However, to ensure that everything is fair, parties must play by the rules of the game. Both procurement law and competition law play a major role here.
Procurement law
Procurement law has become part and parcel of the procurement practice of government agencies and their suppliers. Parties that bid for a tender and subsequently feel aggrieved are increasingly taking the matter to court. However, the question is when such legal action has a chance of success? And on the other hand, how can you as a contracting authority ensure that the process is carried out correctly? Our specialists deal with these and other questions on a daily basis.
Competition law
Competition rules prevent unfair competition resulting from agreements between companies or from abuse by companies of their strong position in the market. Companies and their management are responsible for compliance with competition rules. Violations of competition law are punished by administrative fines, which do not only penalise the company but also the employees involved.
There are numerous regulators active. These include the Consumer & Market Authority (ACM), the European Commission, the Financial Markets Authority (AFM), the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) or the Media Authority (CvdM). If your company faces investigations, fines or other sanctions from such a regulator, we ensure that your interests are safeguarded. Our specialists can rely on support from colleagues in the field of economic administrative and criminal law in this respect.
Preventing infringement of competition rules by advising on compliance;
Recover damages if competition rules have been violated;
Defence against imposed administrative fines in a competition case;
Advising on bidding in tender procedure;
Drafting and reviewing tender documents;
Conduct proceedings following the outcome of a tender.